Pop-Up Dinner

A green flower with yellow spots on it.

In recent years, Jacksonville’s not-so-hidden gem VIGLO (Vietnamese with global influences) pop-up dinner series has been creating a buzz as the most unique cultural and culinary experience, combined Vietnamese and global cuisines with high-quality, local ingredients, creating such a unique twist that quickly gave chef Mimi Lan’s repeatedly sold-out pop-up dinners a cult following.

A restaurant with tables and chairs set up for dinner.

She works with local farmers (vegetables, mushrooms, beekeepers, purveyors, etc) to source organic, seasonal, premium ingredients, and use cooking techniques (both traditional and innovative), highlighting cultures and focusing on reducing waste.

Held at various, respectable dining venues in Jacksonville, each location was as carefully chosen as the rest of the details that went into the planning, preparation, and execution of each of chef Mimi’s pop-up dinners.

Chef Mimi is constantly on the quest for new venues and for aligned chefs with whom to collaborate locally or in other cities on creating unique, memorable culinary projects together.

If you know of a venue or chef who is the right fit, email chef Mimi at [email protected].

A green flower with yellow spots on it.

Previous Pop-Up Dinners

Vietnamese with Global Influences

A plate of food with noodles and mushrooms.
A plate of food with meat and noodles on it.
A bunch of plates that are on top of some food.

Lunar New Year - Valentine

A table with plates of food on it
A table with fire place in the middle of it
A plate of food on top of a table.
A table full of plates with food on them.

Asian with Global Influences

A plate of food on a leaf with rice and vegetables.
A glass of wine on top of a menu.
A plate of food with an egg and some other things.

Regional Vietnamese

Vietnamese with French Influences

Testimonials From Diners

Testimonials From Industry